6 Days to Resurrection Sunday
Reader, lay it to heart. The “finished work of Christ” is of no benefit until you acknowledge that you are a sinner only one heart-beat away from hell for eternity. The “finished work of Christ,” is of no avail unless you have that victorious faith that saves from the power and the pollution of sin. (Matthew 1:21) The “finished work of Christ” is of no use so long as you still love the world (1 John 2:15). The “finished work of Christ” is only efficacious for those who by thorough repentance and living faith have been made “new creatures” in Him. (2 Corinthians 5:17).
John 19:30 “It is finished…”
30When Jesus therefore had received the vinegar, he said, It is finished: and he bowed his head, and gave up the ghost.
What was finished?
When our our Lord Jesus perfectly obeyed and completed all of His Father’s will—it was finished!
When Christ fulfilled the sacrificial types and prophecies of the Old Covenant—it was finished!
When Jesus satisfied the demands of Divine Justice to redeem every repentant—it was finished!
When the Savior’s suffering was sufficient to destroy the works of the devil—it was finished!
When the way to the Holy of Holies and access to the Mercy Seat was opened through Christ’s shed blood—it was finished!
When Spirit answered to the blood—it was finished.
What was not finished?
Was the need for sinners to repent “finished?” God forbid.
Was the need for men to turn from idols to God “finished?” Not hardly.
Was the necessity for faith in the blood of Christ absolved? No way.
Was the need for a holy life annulled at Calvary? Certainly not.
Was our need to be sanctified wholly in spirit, and in soul, and in body “finished” at the cross? No.
Was the requirement that men be separate from the world “finished” when Christ died? Impossible.
Too many have been lured into a false sense of eternal security by a gross misunderstanding and misapplication of these last words—“it is finished.” They suppose that though they are disobedient, untruthful, and unfruitful, they can “rest on the finished work of Christ.” A. W. Pink’s indictment of these antinomians (people who oppose God’s law) is right on: “The fear of God is not upon them, the commands of God have no authority over them, the holiness of God has no attraction for them. They are worldly-minded, money-lovers, pleasure-seekers, Sabbath-breakers, who think all is right with them because they have ‘accepted Christ as their personal Savior.’”
Christ met and finished the requirements that the holiness of God demanded of Him. Now this same Holy God has one demand for us: “Be ye holy, for I am holy.” (1 Peter 1:16).
If Christ had not finished, we could have never started this walk of faith. And there is more! He finished so that He might be both the “author and finisher of our faith.” (Hebrews 12:2).
Thank God Christ finished. Thanking Christ, we will too.
PRAYER: Our Father in Heaven, We praise you today for finishing the work of redemption at the cross. With your blood you saved us! To God be the glory! We pray that the great “Finisher of our faith,” would have free right of way in our lives today. Bless us Lord and make us blessing in a world that desperately needs to see living, active, sincere faith. Keep Thy cross before us. We pray in the name of our wonderful Lord and Savior, Amen. “Our Father, &c.”